Anticipating Spring
Spring is here officially, even though it seems like winter wants to give us one last nudge on the way out. As winters go, this past one could certainly have been much worse. Even so, it’s nice to see the days getting brighter and to be able to come to Solel’s Tuesday morning minyan with the sun up. The gloom of winter is fading.
In much the same way, Solel has been through a cold, dark spell of its own. Over the past few years, we’ve been coping with the rabbinic transition and other big projects, like our roof replacement and re-examining how we staff our office.
Just as the weather is warming and the days are getting brighter, things are looking up for Solel as well. It won’t be very long before Rabbi Audrey Pollack celebrates her first anniversary with us. Solel has a renewed sense of vigour and direction. Our programs and special services are very well attended and successful, and we have been coming together in new ways to perform tikkun olam, to build new friendships and to nourish old ones.
I encourage you to take an active role in building on the new optimism at Solel as we come out of our cold, dark winter and look forward to a much anticipated spring! There are certainly a lot of ways you can get involved. One very important way is to attend our Annual General Meeting. Solel’s AGM is barely a month away: Monday, May 2, 2016 starting at 6:45pm. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. This is a special opportunity to find out where we’ve been and where we want to go next as a Jewish community. Be a part of setting the stage for the next step in our journey. Everyone will be receiving more AGM information later this month in advance of the meeting itself. I look forward to seeing you there.
Filed under: President's Message