< February 2025 >
            1Shabbat Morning Service
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning ServiceTime: 10:00 am
Join us as we celebrate the Sabbath at Solel.
2Bet Sefer Solel
10:00 am
Bet Sefer SolelTime: 10:00 am
Hebrew school for Solel students.
Adult Text Study
10:30 am
Adult Text StudyTime: 10:30 am
Reading Reform Responsa. Led by Rabbi Audrey Pollack
3Arliene's Book Club
8:00 pm
Arliene's Book ClubTime: 8:00 pm
The Golden Doves by Martha Hall Kelly
4Tuesday Morning Minyan
7:00 am
Tuesday Morning MinyanTime: 7:00 am
Join us for a short morning service followed by a light breakfast.
5 6 7Erev Shabbat Service
8:00 pm
Erev Shabbat ServiceTime: 8:00 pm
Join us as we welcome Shabbat. Solel
8Shabbat Morning Service
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning ServiceTime: 10:00 am
Join us as we celebrate the Sabbath. Featuring participation of Kitah Gimmel. Followed by pot-luck lunch.
9Bet Sefer Solel
10:00 am
Bet Sefer SolelTime: 10:00 am
Hebrew school for Solel students.
10 11Tuesday Morning Minyan
7:00 am
Tuesday Morning MinyanTime: 7:00 am
Join us for a short morning service followed by a light breakfast.
12 13Tu B'ShevatTu B'Shevat 14Erev Shabbat Service
8:00 pm
Erev Shabbat ServiceTime: 8:00 pm
Join us as we welcome Shabbat. Solel
15Shabbat Morning Service
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning ServiceTime: 10:00 am
Join us as we celebrate the Sabbath at Solel.
16 17Office ClosedOffice ClosedOffice Closed for Family Day 18Tuesday Morning Minyan
7:00 am
Tuesday Morning MinyanTime: 7:00 am
Join us for a short morning service followed by a light breakfast.
Lunch & Learn
11:30 am
Lunch & LearnTime: 11:30 am
Real Estate Law - Lawyer David Stein
19 20 21Erev Shabbat Service
8:00 pm
Erev Shabbat ServiceTime: 8:00 pm
Join us as we welcome Shabbat. Solel
22Shabbat Morning Service - L. Rabotnikov Bat Mitzvah
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning Service - L. Rabotnikov Bat MitzvahTime: 10:00 am
Celebrate the Sabbath with Solel as L. Rabotnikov is called to Torah for the first time as a Bat Mitzvah
23Bet Sefer Solel
10:00 am
Bet Sefer SolelTime: 10:00 am
Hebrew school for Solel students.
Adult Text Study
10:30 am
Adult Text StudyTime: 10:30 am
Reading Reform Responsa. Led by Rabbi Audrey Pollack
Menschen & Monsters
12:00 pm
Menschen & MonstersTime: 12:00 pm
Join us for adventure and fun for senior school youth
24 25Tuesday Morning Minyan
7:00 am
Tuesday Morning MinyanTime: 7:00 am
Join us for a short morning service followed by a light breakfast.
26 27 28Family Erev Shabbat Service
7:00 pm
Family Erev Shabbat ServiceTime: 7:00 pm
 Adult Text Study
 Services (Festivals)
 Special Event

Candle lighting times and Torah portions
Candle Lighting Times on hebcal.com
Torah portions on hebcal.com