Thank You to Our Living Torah Project Donors
Torah Sponsor
Book ($10,800)
Exodus: Grossman, Rita & David
Deuteronomy: Grossman, Rita & David
Genesis: Portnoy, Harold
Vestments ($ Various)
Breast Plate: Brown, Joel & Sandra
Atzei Chayim: Brown, Joel & Sandra
Special Passages ($5400)
Englander, Rabbi Lawrence & Cheryl
Lewsen, John & Brenda
Palter, Linda & Phil – In memory of Harvey, Pearl, Beatrice, and Clyde
Shine, Kevin & Cheryl
Skryzlo, Shawna & Smith, Jennifer – In honour of our children, their children, and future generations
Parasha ($3600)
Brown, Joel & Sandra
Friedman, Jeffrey & Trevisanello, Sonia – In honour of Adam
Hansen, Nicole
Rothschild, Les & Beverley
Stoch, Eleanor
Subeck, Phil & Pollack, Audrey
Women of Solel
Verse ($1800)
Herman, Gavin & Shirley
Miller, Judy
Norton, Dennis & Sue
Smith, Yolande
Tash, Marlene & Denis, Tom – In memory of Simon & Malchen Tachauer and other family members who died in the Holocaust
Phrase ($540)
Daniel, David & Nicole
Georgescu, Dan & Galambos, Andrea
Greenberg, Ted & McKitterick, Linda – In honour of Ruth Greenberg’s 85th birthday (w/ Consitt)
Hannon, Gerry & Linda – In honour of Rhys Moses Hannon’s Bar Mitzvah
Minuk, Terry – In memory of Bill & Zena Minuk
Nemhauser, Rabbi Ellen
Ostrower, Ruth (x2) – In memory of Steven Ostrower
Reznik-Haag, Rachel & Carlos – In memory of Jose Reznik
Sage, Linda & Alexander, Hugh – In recognition of Alex’s Bar Mitzvah and our favourite Torah Portion
Van Thyn, Carol & Leo – In memory of Abraham Vanthyn, Clara Vanthyn, Marnie Davidson, and Sylvia Davidson
Women of Solel
Zelding, Nelson & Rosalind – On behalf of the Zelding Family
Name ($360)
Turner, Alan & Esther – In memory of our parents: Ginana & Baruch Taub, Sylvia & Isaac Turner
Weinman, Michael & Jennifer – In recognition of our daughters
Word ($180)
Bass, Bradley & Bowden, Chris
Brothman Family
Croxin, Colin & Rosen, Natalie – In memory of Fay & Jack (Israel Judah) Rosen
Ellen, Faith
Friedman, Jeffrey & Trevisanello, Sonia – In honour of Rabbi Pollack, Arliene, Eleanor, Brad, and Sonja
Kulbak, Michael (x2) – In memory of Martin & Norma Kulbak and Trisha
Levitz, Jamie & Doreen
McCrae, Ruth
Milgrom, Irwin
Moskowitz, Daniel & Lara
Perlin, Barbara & Dennis – In memory of Jake & Jennie Cherun and Irving & Freda Perlin
Reznik-Haag, Rachel & Carlos – In honour of Theo & Liz’s B’nai Mitzvot
Sunga Darius & Toby – In recognition of Rachel Lyubarsky
Torres, Diego
Williams, Barrie & Donna
Letters ($18 – $72)
Ellen, Faith – In honour of Rachel on her Bat Mitzvah
Hannon, Gerry & Linda – In honour of Joel Brown and his work on Rhys’ Bar Mitzvah
Lupu, Barbara & Zigler, Michael – In honour of Melissa & Craig and their new home
Simsilevich, Alexandra & David – 8 letters for Benjamin
Torres, Diego
Grade 7 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class of 2021
Adam Friedman & Family
Troy Greer & Family
Rhys Hannon & Family
Avi Lewis & Family
Kanaan Pal & Family
Ben Simsilevich & Family
Sylvie Waite & Family
Jeremy Werenich & Family
Category to be determined
Mancini, Elaine & Nino
Ruehle, Madeleine & Weizenbluth, Emma
Wolf, Benjamin & Losovicheva, Anna
General Donations
Abtan, Patrick
Adler, Diane & Ralph
Allen, Roselyn & Cerar, Chris
Bass, Brad & Bowden, Chris
Batcher, Karola
Botnick, Arliene
Botnick, Julia
Carnevale, Mark
Chir-Stimpson, Susanne
Dinter, Ginny
Duchalski/Stoch, Rick & Shari
Ellen, Faith
Emond, Bill & Josie
Evans, Shirley
Feldman, Gail & Lawrence
Feuer, Jeanette & Sam
Fineman, Barrie & Landstrom-Jaffe, Kristina
Fitzgerald, Linda & Wachman, Jeff
Freedman, Harvey & Marlene
Gareh, Tina
Georgescu, Dan & Galambos, Andrea
Gomberg, Benjamin & Schoeman, Miriam
Grossman, David & Rita
Haller, Lea
Hannon, Gerry & Linda
Hannon, Jonathan & Christine
Hansen, Nicole
Harper, Zachary
Herman, Gavin & Shirley
Inch, Norma
Katz, Shelley & Steven
Kay, Frank
Kornbluth, Harriet
Landstrom-Jaffe, Kristina & Fineman, Barrie
Levine, Alan & Doreen
Levine Shawn & Lori
Ledwidge, Nicholas & Neveleff, Jane
Lewis, David & Stoch, Marla
Lewson, John & Brenda
Mazeika, Rasa
Mikhail-Sourial, Adel
Miller, Ron
Pelly, Sandra
Richter, Miriam
Rosengarten, Freda
Sage, Linda & Alexander, Hugh
Schiff, Jessica & Matthew
Sirutis, Rimis & Robin
Skryzlo, Sheldon
Stoch, Eleanor
Stoch, Ester
Stolzman, Lee & Peter
Sufrin, Rochelle
Tamari, Judith
Taylor, Dylan & Wheelcock, Jennifer
Torres, Diego
Tortell, Janine & Joseph
Van der Sluis, Arjeh
Van Thyn, Leo & Carol
Van Thyn, Michael
Walters, Linda
Webber, Jocelyn & Kaiser, Jeff
Wierzba, Laila
Wong-Ken, Isaiah
Zelding, Nelson & Rosalind