Thank You to Our Living Torah Project Donors

Solel’s Living Torah Project is grateful to all of our members and others for their generous donations. As we receive donations and confirm sponsorship opportunities all of our donors will be recognized here as well as in a special recognition piece in the synagogue to be unveiled in early 2025.

Torah Sponsor

Willis, Gerry (זייל) & Nancy (זייל) – Thank you to Gerry Willis for providing major seed funding to kick off the Living Torah Project

Book ($10,800)

Exodus: Grossman, Rita & David
Deuteronomy: Grossman, Rita & David
Genesis: Portnoy, Harold

Vestments ($ Various)

Mantel: Botnick, Harold & Suse (זייל) – In honour of the founding members of Solel
Breast Plate: Brown, Joel & Sandra
Atzei Chayim: Brown, Joel & Sandra

Special Passages ($5400)

Bayliss, Ann & Zajdman, Michael – In memory of Dr. Fred Bayliss and Abram Zajdman
Englander, Rabbi Lawrence & Cheryl
Lewsen, John & Brenda
Palter, Linda & Phil – In memory of Harvey, Pearl, Beatrice, and Clyde
Shine, Kevin & Cheryl
Skryzlo, Shawna & Smith, Jennifer – In honour of our children, their children, and future generations

Parasha ($3600)

Botnick Family
Brown, Joel & Sandra
Friedman, Jeffrey & Trevisanello, Sonia – In honour of Adam
Hansen, Nicole
Rothschild, Les & Beverley
Stoch, Eleanor
Subeck, Phil & Pollack, Audrey
Women of Solel

Verse ($1800)

Allen, Roselyn & Cerar, Chris – In memory of Roselyn’s parents, Louis & Sylvia Allen
Herman, Gavin & Shirley
Miller, Judy
Norton, Dennis & Sue
Smith, Yolande
Tash, Marlene & Denis, Tom – In memory of Simon & Malchen Tachauer and other family members who died in the Holocaust

Phrase ($540)

Consitt, George & Greenberg-Consitt, Bayla – In honour of Ruth Greenberg’s 85th birthday (w/ Greenberg)
Daniel, David & Nicole
Georgescu, Dan & Galambos, Andrea
Greenberg, Ted & McKitterick, Linda – In honour of Ruth Greenberg’s 85th birthday (w/ Consitt)
Hannon, Gerry & Linda – In honour of Rhys Moses Hannon’s Bar Mitzvah
Minuk, Terry – In memory of Bill & Zena Minuk
Nemhauser, Rabbi Ellen
Ostrower, Ruth (x2) – In memory of Steven Ostrower
Reznik-Haag, Rachel & Carlos – In memory of Jose Reznik
Sage, Linda & Alexander, Hugh – In recognition of Alex’s Bar Mitzvah and our favourite Torah Portion
Van Thyn, Carol & Leo – In memory of Abraham Vanthyn, Clara Vanthyn, Marnie Davidson, and Sylvia Davidson
Women of Solel
Zelding, Nelson & Rosalind – On behalf of the Zelding Family

Name ($360)

Ostrower, Ruth
Turner, Alan & Esther – In memory of our parents: Ginana & Baruch Taub, Sylvia & Isaac Turner
Weinman, Michael & Jennifer – In recognition of our daughters

Word ($180)

Adler, Ralph & Diane – In honour of the Adler family
Bass, Bradley & Bowden, Chris
Brothman Family
Croxin, Colin & Rosen, Natalie – In memory of Fay & Jack (Israel Judah) Rosen
Ellen, Faith
Friedman, Jeffrey & Trevisanello, Sonia – In honour of Rabbi Pollack, Arliene, Eleanor, Brad, and Sonja
Kulbak, Michael (x2) – In memory of Martin & Norma Kulbak and Trisha
Levitz, Jamie & Doreen
McCrae, Ruth
Milgrom, Irwin
Moskowitz, Daniel & Lara
Perlin, Barbara & Dennis – In memory of Jake & Jennie Cherun and Irving & Freda Perlin
Reznik-Haag, Rachel & Carlos – In honour of Theo & Liz’s B’nai Mitzvot
Sunga Darius & Toby – In recognition of Rachel Lyubarsky
Torres, Diego
Williams, Barrie & Donna

Letters ($18 – $72)

Brothman, Stephen & Lyse – Lamed for Leonardo
Ellen, Faith – In honour of Rachel on her Bat Mitzvah
Hannon, Gerry & Linda – In honour of Joel Brown and his work on Rhys’ Bar Mitzvah
Lupu, Barbara & Zigler, Michael – In honour of Melissa & Craig and their new home
Simsilevich, Alexandra & David – 8 letters for Benjamin
Torres, Diego

Grade 7 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class of 2021

Charli Duchalski & Family
Adam Friedman & Family
Troy Greer & Family
Rhys Hannon & Family
Avi Lewis & Family
Kanaan Pal & Family
Ben Simsilevich & Family
Sylvie Waite & Family
Jeremy Werenich & Family

Category to be determined

Harper, Zachary
Mancini, Elaine & Nino
Ruehle, Madeleine & Weizenbluth, Emma
Wolf, Benjamin & Losovicheva, Anna

General Donations

Abrams, Tara
Abtan, Patrick
Adler, Diane & Ralph
Allen, Roselyn & Cerar, Chris
Bass, Brad & Bowden, Chris
Batcher, Karola
Botnick, Arliene
Botnick, Julia
Carnevale, Mark
Chir-Stimpson, Susanne
Dinter, Ginny
Duchalski/Stoch, Rick & Shari
Ellen, Faith
Emond, Bill & Josie
Evans, Shirley
Feldman, Gail & Lawrence
Feuer, Jeanette & Sam
Fineman, Barrie & Landstrom-Jaffe, Kristina
Fitzgerald, Linda & Wachman, Jeff
Freedman, Harvey & Marlene
Gareh, Tina
Georgescu, Dan & Galambos, Andrea
Gomberg, Benjamin & Schoeman, Miriam
Grossman, David & Rita
Haller, Lea
Hannon, Gerry & Linda
Hannon, Jonathan & Christine
Hansen, Nicole
Harper, Zachary
Herman, Gavin & Shirley
Inch, Norma
Katz, Shelley & Steven
Kay, Frank
Kornbluth, Harriet
Landstrom-Jaffe, Kristina & Fineman, Barrie
Levine, Alan & Doreen
Levine Shawn & Lori
Ledwidge, Nicholas & Neveleff, Jane
Lewis, David & Stoch, Marla
Lewson, John & Brenda
Mazeika, Rasa
Mikhail-Sourial, Adel
Miller, Ron
Pelly, Sandra
Richter, Miriam
Rosengarten, Freda
Sage, Linda & Alexander, Hugh
Schiff, Jessica & Matthew
Sirutis, Rimis & Robin
Skryzlo, Sheldon
Stoch, Eleanor
Stoch, Ester
Stolzman, Lee & Peter
Sufrin, Rochelle
Tamari, Judith
Taylor, Dylan & Wheelcock, Jennifer
Torres, Diego
Tortell, Janine & Joseph
Van der Sluis, Arjeh
Van Thyn, Leo & Carol
Van Thyn, Michael
Walters, Linda
Webber, Jocelyn & Kaiser, Jeff
Wierzba, Laila
Wong-Ken, Isaiah
Zelding, Nelson & Rosalind