Pausing to Catch Our Breath
July is here and things are heating up outside, just as we’re starting to take a little bit of a break around Solel to cool off, catch our breath, and rest up for the big High Holy Days season ahead.
We’re on our July schedule for worship services (Saturday Shabbat Services resume August 10th, 2019) and we continue to hold our Erev Shabbat Services every Friday evening at 8:00pm throughout the summer.
While we’re enjoying a little rest and relaxation, we thought it’d be fun to look back on some of the many things we’ve been up to as a community. Here’s a selection of some the many things we’ve done, just in the month of June…
Celebrating Sandy Levy’s many years of service to the Canadian Jewish community
Enjoying an intimate evening of music and story-telling with Jesse Macht
Bestowing Bet Sefer Awards and Inducting our newest Honorable Mensch
Installing our new Board of Directors
Thanking our outgoing President for her service to Solel and receiving a big cheque from the Rama Charity Bingo
There will be many more things to come. We hope you have an enjoyable, relaxing summer, and remember to keep checking our Events page for all the latest updates on what’s happening around Solel!
Filed under: Congregational News