Learning Resources

Here are some helpful resources for students, including people studying for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
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Blessings for Reading Torah

Blessings for before and after reading Torah.

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Blessings for Reading Haftarah

Blessings for before and after reading Haftarah.

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Daily Blessings (Birchot Hashachar)

Blessings for each day.

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Reader’s Kaddish (Chetzi Kaddish)

Blessings which mark the transition from one part of a service to another.

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Learn to sing the Barchu prayer, the Jewish call to worship, the Solel way!

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Sh’ma & V’ahavta

Learn how to chant the Sh’ma, the central tenet of Judaism, and the V’ahavta prayer.

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Eylu D’varim

These are the mitzvot which have no limit. These words from the Oral Torah that bring kavod – honour, into our lives. You can use this video to practice the responsive Hebrew and English of this prayer.

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Learn and practice singing this prayer, based on the Psalms, particularly Psalm 145, and which celebrates how people are happy when we are close to God and praises God for justice and mercy.

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La’asok B’divrei Torah

Learn and practice singing the blessing for learning Torah.

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Brich Rachamana

Learn and practice singing this prayer – a blessing for after meals and part of the Birkat Hamazon.


Bar/Bat Mitzvah Brachot (mp3)

Blessings for putting on tallit, for before and after reading Torah, and for before and after reading Haftarah.


Birkat Hamazon (mp3)

Blessings for after meals.

Cantillation (Chanting)

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Torah Cantillation/Trope

How to chant Torah with the trope we use at Solel.


Torah Cantillation/Trope – Call & Response (mp3)

Practice chanting Torah by listening and repeating each line.

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Haftarah Cantillation/Trope

How to chant Haftarah with the trope we use at Solel.


Haftarah Cantillation/Trope (mp3)

How to chant Haftarah with the trope we use at Solel.

Solel’s Prayer Book


Solel Shabbat Siddur (pdf)

Solel’s prayer book for Friday Evening Erev Shabbat and Saturday Morning Shabbat services.