Looking Forward
There is always something about seeing advertising for the Canadian National Exhibition that fills me both with anxiety and inspiration. It is a stark reminder that summer is almost over and school is coming. It is also a reminder that a new year with new starts is about to begin. Although I no longer face the once very exciting and then later dreaded September first day of school, I have watched over the years as my daughters and many nieces and nephews and a few teachers too, have prepared to go back to the ‘up early’ and ‘homework at night’ routine. Gone are the late night movies and 11am sleep in’s. This year, for the first time, the craziness will be different with all three of my daughters packing up to return to or start University. It will be strange having no one at home asking, “What’s for dinner”, on a daily basis. I, like many of you, will be getting used to a new, quieter normal.
As Rosh Hashanah approaches I will be thinking about what this new-year brings for my family and for our Solel family. I hope that wherever you or your students are, they are celebrating the New Year with friends and family. We would love to have all of our families and students home at Solel for the holidays; however, if your students cannot make it home then hopefully they can connect with the Hillel Chapter on Campus or find a local Synagogue to visit. If you are wondering where other Solel students are attending College or University, call the office and we will try and connect you to other Solel students so that you can celebrate the high holidays together. If your students want to stay connected to Solel, please have them send their email addresses to carol@solel.ca and we will add them to our email list so that they can stay close to Solel throughout the year.
As we prepare for the New Year, we have the opportunity to both look back and look forward. Looking back, we share each other’s sadness with the loss of so many loved ones this year and dear members of our congregation, and we remember how much each of them meant to our families and friends and our Solel community. We also celebrate the many Simchas we enjoyed this year and so many new beginnings. Looking forward, Arliene, the Education Committee and our dedicated teachers are preparing for the New Year at Bet Sefer Solel with wonderful classes and programs for our children. Our youth groups will be kicking off soon with great programs for the fall. Rabbi Pollack is preparing for high holidays with our Religious Committee and we look forward to welcoming everyone into Solel to pray and celebrate together. Our land sale initiative continues to move forward and I am hoping that by the end of September we will be able to confirm that the land sale conditions have been met and that the purchase will be complete. This will be an exciting new start for our congregation.
I am looking forward this year to so many great things at Solel this year and the anxiety of the back to school commercials I know will lead way to the excitement for the New Year.
Shana Tova,
Filed under: President's Message