Bright Lights
It’s that time of year when it seems like it’s always dark outside. We’re only a few weeks away from the shortest day of the year. This is a time of year when we look for ways to bring some extra light into our lives. Happily, at Solel we never have to look very far to see some bright lights that bring warmth to our shared Jewish home. I’d like to look back to some recent bright lights and also look ahead to more that are just around the corner.
One of the things that we love about Solel and feel so proud of is how many people come together to do great things for our community. There are too many great volunteers to count – I know because I tried once a couple of years ago – and it was really hard! I’d like to highlight just a few from recent weeks, both to say thank you to these wonderful Solelniks, and also just to illustrate the great things that we come together to do all the time.
A few weeks ago, our Membership Committee held a fantastic Sunday morning breakfast meet and greet which gave Bet Sefer parents a chance to share a delicious breakfast and a great conversation with members of Solel’s Board of Directors. This was a terrific chance to make new friends and talk about one of our favourite topics: how to make Solel even better. Also recently, Solel Sisterhood held their Holiday Marketplace which was a tremendous success, bringing people from inside and outside of the Solel community together to share a fun afternoon and to raise some funds to support Sisterhood projects within Solel. Lastly, I want to congratulate the Religious Committee (and the Grade 7 Class!) for organizing a beautiful and meaningful service observing Kristallnacht, and honouring the former Jewish community of Horovice in the Czech Republic, the original home of our “Czech Torah”.
These are only a few recent examples. There are many, many more great examples of volunteers who give the gift of their time and talents to make Solel the special place that it is. But let’s not just bask in the glow of recent highlights, let’s look ahead to even more great upcoming opportunities to chase away the gloom of December.
December 1 is also the 1st of Kislev, and that means that Hanukah is just around the corner. This is a holiday that’s so much fun, we can’t just celebrate it once!
First of all, Hanukah means latkes, and Dave Gordon and his latke making crew will once again be hard at work shredding, mixing and frying everyone’s favourite holiday treat. The big fry takes place Sunday morning, December 11 – so get your orders in beforehand to ensure you have a supply of delicious Solel latkes for your family. Only $10 for 10 latkes.
We’re also celebrating Hanukah three more ways this year. First (and just a little bit early!) we’re having our annual Hanukah Zimriyah Service – fun for the whole family – preceded by a Kuddle Up Shabbat program and dinner starting Friday, December 9, 2016 at 5:45pm for dinner, 7:00pm for service and songs. Next, our fun family Hanukah Party is on Monday, December 26 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. We’ll have all the usual fun, food, and festivities. Rounding out our Hanukah celebrations is our very popular community candle lighting on Friday, December 30 at 8pm. Join us for this wonderful service and bring your menorah to light along with all your friends from Solel, both old and new.
With all of these bright lights shining at Solel, you’ll hardly notice that it’s dark outside.
Filed under: President's Message