So Many Questions! So Many Answers!

by Arliene Botnick, November 30, 2024

As we approach the end of the secular year 2024, I thought it was a good opportunity to answer some of the’ burning questions we’ve been asked in the past little while about Solel and its amazing programming.

Question: How are the topics chosen for the monthly lunch and learn sessions?

Answer: The participants suggest what they want to learn about. Those who wanted to hear about Spain and Italy and their Jewish history and communities suggested I contact Diego Torres, and Rabbi and Cheryl Englander. Those who wanted to know her more about how the study of archeology helps us understand our history, how through archeological finds, we can affirm the dating of the early migration to Canaan that may testify to the date assigned to Abraham’s migration, and how the study of oil lamps sheds light on our ancestor asked me to find a presenter. So, we contacted our archeological expert, David Douglas, who not only gave us an amazing presentation, but left some of the artefacts on display for us to see in our foyer, and Dr. Douglas will be returning for part two of his presentation in the Fall. And just a heads up, our guests, starting in January, will be a representative from Trillium administration; our own Jocelyn Webber, teaching us about orchid growing; some more information about the legal ramifications of selling your home; and Professor Rosmarin presenting his newest work on Eli Wiesel!

Question: What’s coming up in family programming.?

Answer: We heeded your advice and will be alternating family programming between Friday night 7pm services and Saturday at 10am services. On November 29, we had a 7pm pyjama service with s’mores, and on December 10, we have a family service with a potluck lunch sponsored by the grade 7/8 parents whose kids will be leading the service that morning! Then on December 27, we will be having a 7pm family service with our children, singing their favourite Hanukah songs, and a community candle lighting, and lots of sufganiot! Then there is our Hanukah party on Sunday the 29th from 1pm – 3pm with our caricature artist, our face painters, pizza, latkes and sufganiot.

Question: Can anybody join the book club?

Answer: Absolutely! All the names of the books are published in the Shammas. Just let us know if you are interested and we will make sure we send you the link, and even if you haven’t read the book, the discussions always explain what the book is about and why it is relevant in our Jewish lives. The next date for the book club is Monday, December 9 and the novel being discussed is “Letters Across the Sea” Please contact Carol in the office or me and we will give you the Zoom link. It is also published in the Shammas. Our novel for February 3 is The Golden Doves by Martha Hall Kelly.

Question: How can I help in the community?

Answer: There are so many ways. Join the Women of Solel as they collect toys for the Chai Toy Drive. Come, cook with them when they are preparing foods to be delivered to our own senior community or shut ins! Or every time you come to Solel just bring something for the food bank. Donations are really needed!

Question: What’s the best way to learn about our scripture, our Torah?

Answer: The answer is so simple. Just join us at services online or in person, whenever you can, as each Friday night and each Saturday morning the Rabbi explains, unpacks, opens up avenues of thought and questioning about the Torah portion of the week, the holidays, and the events that impact our Jewish lives. And if you have time for more than that, join the text study each Sunday morning, both in person or online, with our own Rabbi Pollack (and for few sessions with our Emeritus Rabbi Englander!)

And the final set of questions are always about what other programs are available. And just to highlight a couple of them:

  1. There is our monthly gaming afternoon Menschen & Monsters, with board games led by own Dylan Cockell on Sundays, following Hebrew school. The next session is Sunday, December 15 at noon.
  2. A new program, just starting, is to give our Jewish adjacent partners the opportunity to get together to discuss their welcome participation at Solel. Leading this group is our own Rick Duchalski who assures me he can teach everybody how to say the “ch” sound, explain what kugel is about, and maybe even help you grow to love gefilte fish!!

If you have more questions, please ask them, and we will do our best to answer them! I wish you an early Chag Hanukah Sameach. And remember to order those latkes that are being made by our very own latke-making team – which you can JOIN, under the culinary direction of David Gordon.

Filed under: Educator's Message

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