The Questions That Need Answers

by Arliene Botnick, September 1, 2017

At Bet Sefer Solel, we teach about Jewish holidays, rituals, customs. Our students learn about a prayer service; the choreography of a service. Hebrew skills are taught to enable the students to participate in and eventually lead services as they do when they become Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Jewish history, Jews in the Media, Jews and World Religions, Relationship to God – just a few more courses our children are studying.

But what do we, as parents/grandparents, want to/perhaps need to know. The kids ask questions. Adults – not so much. The kids challenge – Adults – not so much. The school’s aim is the education of the next generation, but this generation may want to have their questions answered. They might need some refresher courses.

2017 CE or AD – Do we know the reason why CE is preferred?

Old Testament – Hebrew scriptures – What do we call our scriptures? Why?

Solel has a Kosher kitchen. What’s allowed? What is not? Why?

We celebrate Sukkot and Passover for 7 days. Traditional Jews celebrate for 8 days. Why?

The Reform Movement ordains women as Rabbis. Women can wear tallit & kepot. Traditional Jews “may” disagree. What do the sources tell us?

What questions do you have about Judaism? What rituals might you need explained? As Reform Jews, we need to be INFORMED. On Rosh Hashanah, Day 2, our Rabbi replaces her sermon with an “Ask the Rabbi” open forum. In January, I teach an introduction to Judaism Adult course for 5 Wednesdays. There are some great, well-written guides to Reform Judaism.

  • “Living a Jewish Life” by Anita Diamant
  • “Settings of Silver” by Stephen Wylen
  • “The Jewish Home” by Daniel Syme

A lot of answers can be found there.

Please ask the questions that are troubling you, confusing you. And if you want to know the answers to the questions I posed at the beginning of this article, call me at Solel or email me at: Only if you want to know!

Shana Tovah!

Filed under: Educator's Message

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